Research Papers

A Short History of Ribbons
A history of ribbons, the main fashion element of coquette style which has been popular in the last 12 months.

Everything is default fake
A forecast for media in 2024, addressing how increased skepticism and technological advancements have led to a state of 'False Positive Reality' where even genuine media is doubted. It explores the shift from empirical to representational trust, emphasizing the resurgence of eyewitness accounts over high-fidelity media due to the rising capability to generate convincing artificial content.

Why we fall for robots?
Examination of the increasing human tendency to form attachments with non-sentient beings, particularly robots and AI, driven by factors like sociality, loneliness, and nurturance. This paper delves into historical and psychological perspectives, providing insights into how and why humans develop emotional connections with artificial entities.

The Crisis of Legibility
Cultural radiation, cultural half-life, MSCHF's Big Red Boots and legibility in the digital realm.

Love Your Losers
Losing products represent opportunities for brands to build communities with “losers”.